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中国一线城市跟美国相比,谁更发达? | 老外看中国

阅读量:3644296 2019-10-21

专栏 | 老外看中国
1、Jonathan Buttall
I have been to Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai. I grew up in the greater New York area.
I used to think NYC was the human center of the world and the ultimate city. When I went to Shanghai and Beijing, I realized that the Chinese cities look like they’re a century in the future, and dwarf those in the US.
The Freedom Tower in New York City (I will not call it the World Trade Center because I respect those who died on 9/11/01) would be nothing if put in the Shanghai skyline.

Have any of you noticed that most of the buildings in US Cities all look alike?
As for the exaggeration of so called “ghost cities”, those are simply large empty developments at the edge of hugely populated cities in China. You can see ghost neighborhoods in Newark and Detroit where the race riots of the 60s took place.
2、John Garrison
Yes in the sense that all of the infrastructure is pretty new(built in the last 30 years), and most of the public transportation and buildings are super modern. By comparison most American cities have many 50+ year old buildings, and public transportation isn’t that great. If you look at the pictures it appears that China is much more modern with it’s cities, and in some cases it is.

▲ 天津

▲ 芝加哥
On the outside both cities look pretty nice, but the Chinese skyscrapers are clearly newer and more modern. 
Chinese cities look very modern on the outside, but if you look at what’s keeping them going they aren’t nearly as developed.
I traveled to Beijing in 2014 and was staying on the outskirts of the city. At the apartment block I was in power surges occurred regularly and it wasn’t uncommon for the lights to go out every day for a few minutes without reason….this was 2014 and we were in one of the largest cities in the world, and they were still having continuous power problems. Now I’ve heard they’ve since fixed this issue in that area but that usually doesn’t happen in US cities. In many smaller Chinese cities this can still be a problem, but they are slowly working on fixing it.
Of course there are more things that American cities do better, and there are more things that Chinese cities do better. Both countries have great cities, and both have their strengths and weaknesses, these are a few of them.
3.Quang Nguyen
I have been in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Dallas. Dallas is one of the top 10 biggest city of US but it is merely passed the population of Hangzhou which is tier 2 city of China. Guangzhou is the tier 1 city but it is getting behind other tier 1 cities of China which means you would see Shanghai or Peiking much more advanced than Guangzhou.
Comparing to Dallas, Hangzhou is very clean and neat. It is not simple clean. It is mind blowing clean. And for the population of 9 million people, you see much less car on the street than Dallas. The air is the same, but Hangzhou has many more trees than Dallas.

The point is the sheer different between a tier 2 city of China and top 10 biggest cities of US, you will not able to comprehend the difference between the top cities of China with US.
urban planning of China has already surpassed US a decade….
4.Davide Mirabella
The heyday of American cities has been about one hundred years ago, due to high population growth and influx of immigrations.It was also the time when the first skyscrapers started to appear in cities in the Eastern U.S.
A second blooming was after World War 2, when large infrastructure projects were built in the US, in particular highways and airports. Also, many skyscrapers in the so-called Internationalist style started to appear in skylines of US cities.

The development of Chinese cities such as Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai, however, is much more recent. Far-reaching urban renewals were tackled in the early 2000s, so it is only natural that stuff looks cleaner, more organized and more modern. The architecture alone is contemporary, while lots of skyscrapers in US cities look a bit dated because many of them were build 40 to 50 years ago.
You could argue that American cities have been collecting a bit of dust, or patina for that matter. Stuff has aged, so you sometimes see and feel it. That is not an inherently bad thing, cities always go through this process - infrastrucutre ages and stops meeting demand and particularly in relation to aesthetics cities can start to look a bit frumpy because contemporary architecture looks much flashier.

Personally, I like some of the gritty areas of US cities. I don’t want everything in a city to be spick and span. Cities are places where people live, lots of them. It is only natural for cities to start to look a bit worn down. It’s what life does to things. There is a certain beauty in decay.
I am not very well informed when it comes to municipal politics in the US - but I am sure some of the lack of infrastrucutre is due to tax cuts and lack of infrastructure spending, too. Also, let’s not glorify Chinese cities too much. The cities you’ve mentioned in your question’s details are the showcase cities of China. I’ve travelled to dozens of cities in China and there’s plenty of places out there that are far from looking as flashy as Shenzhen, Shanghai or Beijing.
5.Károly Molnár
I've also been in both American and Chinese big cities and I agree with you, Chinese cities look more modern, cleaner and better organized.
America as we see today is an old country. New York still has the oldest and shittiest subway system ever! Changes take time and most citizens don't see them as problems because they've grew up in that.

Modern China however is only 30–40 years old, its development is amazing in such a short time! China wanted to develop so they did everything according to their need of improving their life. Every system is new, maybe even the first in the world because they still focus on development. China can build a whole new city faster than we can construct a new subway station in Hungary…
The other reason is that Chinese people have similar values in life, they value hard work, peace and they don't care what the others believe in. They don't have such religious, social and criminal issues like American cities have. Man, you can't pay me enough to enter Detroit while I can walk midnight in any Chinese park alone without thinking of any danger. 

Since Chinese cities don't have these issues, their local governments can focus on other things that are important for people like cleanness, modern subways or high speed trains which have better services than most world-class airline companies.
6.Joe Martins
Not only more developed, but these days more quickly developed.
Even in “smaller” cities like Tai Cang City (pop ~1M), Suzhou, Jiangsu an hour Northwest of Shanghai (pop 24+M, 3 times that of NYC) visitors will find entire neighborhoods of 20+ story condo complexes going up in parallel. That is to say, they’ll see 8, 10, 12+ adjacent skyscrapers being built at the same time. No doubt you’ve seen this in your travels.

And the Shanghai Metro is so well designed and organized it blows away anything in the U.S. by a light year. Cost-wise it’s ridiculously cheap to get around…many trips across a city 9 times larger by area than NYC cost ~$0.50 USD. [For comparison, it costs $2 per slow-ass bus ride in Newport, RI to take a bus 1/2 mile into town…a town of 24k.] 
Rental bicycles from at least 4 major companies available on virtually every street corner, and easily rented and unlocked through phone apps. Chain them up outside everywhere you go? Nah! Unlike in NYC nobody is going to steal them.

I could go on and on and on.
It’s on a scale and at a depth my fellow Americans are not likely to see in the U.S. any time soon. I like to say development speed in China today is like the U.S. 60–70 years ago. Vast urban areas seemingly pop up out of farmland in under a decade.
[EDIT: I should add that if China isn’t careful, it’ll follow the same arc as the U.S. Vast unsustainable development with ongoing maintenance costs that are many multiples the original development cost. Which is why the infrastructure in the U.S. is in such disrepair. We built far more than we could affordably sustain/maintain over the long term. 60–70+ years ago nobody considered the long-term financial impact of large scale development and sprawl. One can already see early signs of decay in relatively new developments (5–20 yo) in China.]
但是,在这些繁华背后,我们应该注意发展的平衡性和可持续性,就像“Mulin Chang”网友所说:

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