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根据电影《小熊维尼历险记》改编的电视动画剧集,迪士尼公司拍摄于1988-1991年,分为4季播出。讲述的是小熊维尼和他的朋友们:男孩Robin 、兔子Rabbit 、跳跳虎Tigger、小猪 Piglet、驴子Eeyore、猫头鹰Owl、小袋鼠Roo在Hundred Acre Wood发生的历险故事。纯英文版,中等语速,美音,适合有一定英语基础的小朋友。

50个MKV视频文件,共82个故事单元(有的单集是2个故事);每集大小约510MB,时长24分钟,画面分辨率是1920x1080(1080P),高清画质,画面比例16: 9,全屏显示。

Season 1: 1988-1989
1. Pooh Oughta Be in Pictures
2. Friend, In Deed / Donkey for a Day
3. There's No Camp Like Home / Balloonatics
4. Find Her, Keep Her
5. The Piglet Who Would Be King
6. Cleanliness Is Next to Impossible
7. The Great Honey Pot Robbery
8. Stripes / Monkey See, Monkey Do Better
9. Babysitter Blues
10. How Much is That Rabbit in the Window
11. Gone with the Wind / Nothing But the Tooth
12. Paw and Order
13. Honey for a Bunny / Trap as Trap Can
14. The Masked Offender / Things That Go Piglet in the Night
15. Luck Amok / Magic Earmuffs
16. The Wishing Bear
17. King of the Beasties / The Rats Who Came to Dinner
18. My Hero / Owl Feathers
19. A Very, Very Large Animal / Fish Out of Water
20. Tigger's Shoes / Lights Out
21. The "New" Eeyore / Tigger, Private Ear
22. Party Poohper / The Old Switcheroo
Season 2: 1989
1. Me and My Shadow / To Catch a Hiccup
2. Rabbit Marks the Spot / Good-bye Mr. Pooh
3.  Bubble Trouble / Groundpiglet Day
4. All's Well That Ends Wishing Well
5. Un-Valentine's Day
6. No Rabbit's a Fortress / The Monster Frankenpooh
7. Where, Oh Where Has My Piglet Gone? / Up, Up and Awry
8. Eeyore's Tail Tale / Three Little Piglets
9. Prize Piglet / Fast Friends
10. Pooh Moon / Caws and Effect
Season 3: 1990
1. Oh, Bottle / Owl in the Family
2. Sham Pooh / Rock-a-Bye Pooh Bear
3. What's the Score, Pooh? / Tigger's Houseguest
4. Rabbit Takes a Holiday / Eeyi Eeyi Eeyore
5. Pooh Skies
6. To Bee or Not to Bee / April Pooh
7. A Knight to Remember
8. Tigger is the Mother of Invention / The Bug Stops Here
9. Easy Come, Easy Gopher / Invasion of the Pooh Snatcher
10. Tigger Got Your Tongue / A Bird in the Hand
Season 4: 1991
1. Sorry, Wrong Slusher
2. Grown,But Not Forgotten
3. A Pooh Day Afternoon
4. The Good, the Bad, and the Tigger
5. Home Is Where the Home Is
6. Shovel, Shovel, Toil and Trouble / The Wise Have It
7. Cloud, Cloud Go Away / To Dream the Impossible Scheme
8. Piglet's Poohetry / Owl's Well That Ends Well


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108集《英文版西游记 》,学英语的好资源!


