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阅读量:3699865 2019-10-23

From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & Lifestyle report. 这里是VOA慢速英语健康生活报道。
Cancer is now the leading cause of death in wealthy countries. 现在癌症已成为富裕国家的主要致死原因。
Researchers say cancer has replaced heart disease as the top killer in the industrial world. 研究人员表示,癌症已取代心脏疾病,成为工业世界的头号杀手。
If the trend continues, they predict cancer could become the leading cause of death worldwide later in this century. 他们预测称,如果这一趋势持续下去,那癌症可能在本世纪晚些时候成为全球范围内的主要致死原因。
However, the news is not that cancer deaths are increasing but that deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) are decreasing. 然而,这并不是因为癌症死亡人数在持续增加,而是心血管疾病(简称CVD)死亡人数在不断减少。
Cardiovascular disease, or CVD, is a group of medical conditions that include heart failure, heart attack and stroke. 心血管疾病,简称CVD,是包括心力衰竭、心脏病发作和中风在内的一组疾病。
It remains the leading cause of death among middle-aged adults worldwide. 目前心血管疾病仍是全球范围内中年人的主要致死原因。
But when you only look at deaths in industrial economies – that is not the case. 但如果只聚焦工业经济体的死亡人数,那情况并非如此。
In those countries, the new report shows that cancer now kills two times as many people as cardiovascular disease. 最新报告显示,在这些国家,现在癌症致死人数是心血管疾病死亡人数的两倍。
The findings were published in The Lancet and presented at the recent European Society of Cardiology Congress in Paris. 这项研究成果在《柳叶刀》期刊和近期于巴黎举行的欧洲心脏病学会年会上发表。
The research comes from a large, ongoing study called the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology or PURE. 这项研究隶属于一项长期进行的大型研究——前瞻性城乡流行病学研究(简称PURE)。
It is a project of the Population Health Research Institute of McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences in Canada. PURE研究是加拿大麦克马斯特大学人口健康研究学院和汉密尔顿健康科学中心联合开展的项目。
The PURE researchers have been collecting information about people from over 20 high-, middle- and low-income countries. PURE项目的研究人员一直在收集20余个国家公民的相关信息,涵盖高、中、低收入国家。
The data includes a person's medical history and individual behavior, such as physical activity and diet. 所收集信息包括人们的病史以及身体锻炼和饮食等个人行为。
Salim Yusuf is a researcher on the PURE study and a professor of Medicine at McMaster University. 萨利姆·尤瑟夫是PURE研究的研究员,也是麦克马斯特大学的医学教授。
He also serves as head of the Population Health Research Institute. 他还是人口健康研究学院的院长。
Yusuf explained the study's findings in a statement to the press. 尤瑟夫向新闻界发表了一份声明,介绍了这项研究的成果。
"The fact that cancer deaths are now twice as frequent as CVD deaths in high-income countries," Yusuf said, 尤瑟夫说:“在高收入国家,目前癌症致死人数是心血管疾病死亡人数的两倍,
"shows a change in the main cause of death in middle-aged people." 这表明中年人的主要致死原因发生了变化。”
He added that "as CVD declines in many countries because of prevention and treatment, 他补充说,“得益于预防和治疗工作,许多国家的心血管疾病死亡人数有所下降,
cancer mortality will likely become the leading cause of death globally in the future." 而癌症死亡人数未来很可能成为全球主要致死原因。”
Data from the PURE study has been used in several reports over the years. 多年来,PURE研究的数据一直应用于多项报告中。
For this most recent report, the researchers followed more than 162,500 adults for nine and a half years. 在这份最新报告中,研究人员对超过16.25万名成年人进行了长达9年半的追踪调查。
All of these men and women were between 35 and 70 years old. The subjects came from 21 countries. 研究调查的所有男性和女性的年龄均在35至70岁之间。调查对象来自21个国家。
Gilles Dagenais helped to prepare the report. He is a professor at Laval University in Quebec, Canada. 吉尔斯·达根纳斯帮助准备了该报告。他是加拿大魁北克市拉瓦尔大学的教授。
Speaking on a Canadian radio show, Dagenais explained that the world is experiencing a "transition" in disease trends. 达根纳斯在加拿大一个广播节目中介绍说,现在世界正在经历疾病趋势的“转变”。
The main reason, he added, is the fact that cardiovascular disease rates have gone down in high-income countries. 他补充说,主要原因是高收入国家的心血管疾病发病率持续下降。
Dagenais noted that there is no increase in cancer rates. If anything, he said, there is a decrease. 达根纳斯指出,癌症发病率没有增加。他说,恰恰相反,癌症发病率也在下降。
However, over the past 20 years, there has been a sharp decrease in cardiovascular disease. 然而,心血管疾病发病率在过去20年大幅降低。
He said the two main reasons are developments in medicine and technology, and changes in personal behavior. 他表示,两大主要原因是:药物和技术的发展以及个人行为的变化。
One lifestyle change, he said, is that fewer people in high-income countries are smoking cigarettes. 他说,其中一种发生改变的生活方式是:高收入国家的吸烟人数越来越少。
But he warned that more people in these areas are becoming overweight. 但他警告称,这些地区的超重人数在日益增加。
He says researchers do not know how rising obesity rates will affect deaths from cardiovascular disease in the future. 他说,研究人员不知道肥胖率上升在未来会对心血管疾病死亡率造成何种影响。
Both Dagenais and Yusuf add that higher heart-disease death rates in low-income countries could be mainly the result of lower quality healthcare. 达根纳斯和尤瑟夫都表示,医疗保健质量较低可能是导致低收入国家心脏疾病死亡率上升的主要原因。
In recent years, several factors have greatly lowered the rate of heart disease in high-income countries. 最近几年,在多个因素的共同作用下,高收入国家的心脏疾病死亡率已大幅降低。
They include better treatment for heart disease and better medicines for blood pressure. 这些因素包括:心脏疾病治疗方法改善以及控制血压药物改良。
And that's the Health & Lifestyle report, I'm Anna Matteo. 以上是健康生活报道。我是安娜·马迪奥。

1. serve as 用作;可当…使用;充作;
He serves as an interpreter for us.
2. because of 因为;由于;
There is no limit to what can be achieved herebecause of the fantastic support we command.
3. go down (价格、水平或数量)下降,下跌;
Crime has gone down 70 percent.
4. if anything (尤用于否定句后,对所说之事进行补充说明)甚至正相反,甚至还不如说;
I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning.

—— 来自可可英语


