

011、 这组图的目的是告诉我们应该对海洋资源的减少给予充分重视。
The purpose of the pictures is to tell us that due attention has to be paid to the reduction in ocean resources.
2、 我相信如果我们采取这些措施,人类能够克服我们所面临的挑战,并将拥有美好的未来。
I believe that if these steps are taken, we humans can surmount the challenge we face and will have a brilliant future.
3、 毫无疑问,我们可以从这幅漫画中看出,作者正在吸引我们重视合作的问题。
Undoubtedly, we can deduce from the portrayal that the cartoonist is trying to attract our attention to cooperation.
4、 这幅漫画的目的是阐明保持乐观对于我们的生活至关重要。
The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate that keeping optimistic is critical to our life.
5、 有相当充分的证据表明,手机用户变得越来越依赖手机,并且表示很难离开手机。
Considerable evidence indicates that mobile phone users become highly dependent on the device and express extreme reluctance to give it up.
6、 由于社会竞争的刺激,人们发现需要持续地提高自己。
Due to the stimulation of social competition, people, nowadays, find that they have to improve themselves constantly.
1、 考试作弊在大学盛行,数字统计表明这种情况在去年上升迅猛。
Cheating on exams is popular in colleges and statistics show that it has risen dramatically during past years.
2、 激烈的竞争使人们很有必要进行持续地自我提升。
Fierce competition makes it imperative/necessary for people to constantly improve themselves.
3、 我们应该知道,一些所谓的超级明星的魅力是表面的。
We should also keep it in mind that some so-called superstars are just superficially charming.
4、 提升人们用公共交通代替开私家车的意识是当前的头等大事。
What tops the agenda is to enhance people's awareness of taking public transportations more often instead of driving private cars.
5、 我有想到我和朋友一起聚餐的时候,他们大部分人都盯着手机。
It does occur to me that most of my friends always stare at their mobile phones when having dinner together.
6、 父母给孩子更多的空间和机会独立生活是明智的。
It is advisable that parents give children more space and opportunities to cope with their life independently.
031、 互联网在现代社会中发挥了不可缺少的作用,这一点得到了广泛的认可。
It’s widely acknowledged that the Internet plays an indispensable role in modern society .
2、 很多孩子因为从小受到父母的溺爱而造成生活无法独立,这并没有什么好惊讶的。
It’s no surprise that a number of youngsters are unable to cope with their lives independently as their parents have spoilt them too much.
3、 如果您能作为本次英语比赛评委之一,那这将此本次比赛巨大的荣幸和荣耀。
It would be a great honor and ornament to the English Speaking Contest if you could be one of the judges.
4、 为了鼓励学生们多阅读,组织发起一个读书讨论俱乐部是一个明智的做法。
It is wise to sponsor book discussion clubs to inspire students to read more.
5、 我的问题是谁应该对这个现象承担责任。
My question is who should assume responsibility for such a phenomenon.
6、 事实上我们当中有很多人情不自禁地被手机,电脑和其它一些数码产品分散了工作和学习注意力。
The truth is that most of us can’t help but be distracted by mobile phones, computers and some other digital products during our work or study.
041、 事实上很多地方政府把经济发展放在首要位置而对环境保护视而不见,而这正是现代社会污染严重的原因。
Underlying the serious pollution in modern society is the fact that many local governments put economic development in the first place while totally turning a blind eye to environmental protection.
2、 我对春节的一个持久记忆是:大人拜访亲戚时总是要带上礼物。
One of my abiding memories of the Spring Festival is that grown adults always brought gifts when they visited their relatives.
3、 我对爷爷的一个持久记忆是:他总是保持乐观无论碰到什么困难。
One of my abiding memories of my grandfather is that he always kept optimistic regardless of every adversity.
4、 高学历意味着高收入,这是一个在大学生中广泛传播的概念。
There is a widespread notion among college students that higher academic degrees often mean higher salary.
5、 我知道有一句中国谚语,大意是少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
I have read a Chinese proverb to the effect that cherish your time when young; otherwise you will feel regret when old.
6、 青少年要学会如何面对他们迟早要独立生活的这一事实。
Every teenager has to learn how to confront the fact that he will live by himself sooner or later.
051、 有越来越多的证据表明经济终于开始摆脱萧条。
There is growing evidence that the economy is at last emerging from recession.
2、 中国高速发展的经济不能掩盖国民道德标准下降这个事实。
China’s economic boom cannot obscure the fact that most parts of China are suffering serious environmental deterioration.
3、 从图中浮现出来的现象是: 越来越多的台湾学生加入了“中国潮“,前往中国大陆接受教育。
Emerging from this picture is the phenomenon that increasing numbers of Taiwanese students are joining the island's "China rush", seeking education on the Chinese mainland.
4、 我们很有希望看到市民们的生活质量得到持续的、实质的提高。
There is every prospect that we will see a sustained, substantial rise in the quality of life for our citizens.
5、 中国高速发展的经济不能掩盖很多地区环境恶化这个事实。
China’s economic boom cannot obscure the fact that most parts of China are suffering serious environmental deterioration.
6、 这些被砍倒的树木见证了多年来对自然环境的破坏。
Those trees which have been cut down bear witness to years of massive destruction of the natural environment.
1、 那些有污染行为的组织应该要得到严惩。
Organizations that are involved in polluting should be seriously punished.
2、 这个地区52%的土地沙漠化,这导致了生态环境非常脆弱。
The desertification land covers 52 percent of the region’s total area, which results in a vulnerable ecological environment.
3、 技术的快速发展不仅给我们的日常生活带来了极大的便利,也让我们变得更懒了。
The same dramatic technological changes that have brought great convenience to our daily life have also made people lazier than before.
4、 人们的交流方式在近几年发生了根本的变化。
The ways people use to communicate with others have experienced radical changes in recent years.
5、 父母和教育者应该学会理解和容忍:正是因为人性的弱点和不成熟,孩子才会犯错误。
Parents and educators should learn to be tolerant of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which induce children to make mistakes.
6、 鉴于现在在中国的生活标准的极大提高,人们不再像从前一样把出国旅游看作是一件他们几乎不能负担得起的奢侈活动。
Due to the substantial improvement of living standards in China, people no longer regard traveling abroad as a luxury which they could hardly afford before.
071、 以上的照片生动地显示出,相貌英俊的英国足球巨星贝克汉姆在年轻人中广受欢迎。
As is vividly depicted in the photo above, Beckham, the handsome British football superstar, is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents.
2、 如漫画中象征性所示,两个残疾的年轻人用有力的双手互相搀扶,正在大地上开始新的征途。
As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, two handicapped adolescents, supporting each other with their firm hands, are continuing their new journey across the ground.
3、 不管什么原因我们都不能忽视数码产品给我们生活带来的负面影响。
On no account can we neglect the negative influences brought by digital products on our life.
4、 只有通过降低成本,才能使中国保持相对于其他国家的竞争优势。
Only by keeping down costs will China maintain its competitive advantage over other countries.
5、 只有人们的整体素质提升了,构建和谐社会才有希望实现。
Only with people’s overall quality improved can we expect to build a harmonious society.
6、 随着中国电子商务产业的兴盛,包括网络诈骗和网络盗窃在内的这些新问题也不请自来。
With the flourishing Chinese e-commerce industry come new problems including Internet fraud(网络诈骗) and Internet theft(网络盗窃).
1、 一些地方政府基于只有充分利用自然资源社会经济才能快速发展的前提,认为环境恶化无法避免。
Several local governments have argued for the inevitability of environment deterioration from the premise that only by making full use of natural resources can a society achieve rapid economic development.
2、 上述图画中有两个人以完全不同的态度对待读书。
In the cartoons above are two men treating books in completely different ways.
3、 这些游客在国外旅行时的不良行为严重损害了国家的名声。
Those tourists’ bad manners when traverlling abroad undermine our country’s reputation.
4、 一些地方的生活环境如此糟糕以至于普通民众认为无法在当地健康地生活。Living environment in some places of China deteriorates to such an extent that common people find it impossible to lead a healthy life there.
5、 如果父母教育他们的孩子怎么关爱和尊敬老人,那么这些孩子同样会把这些美德传给他们自己的下一代。If parents teach their children how to show love and respect to the old, those children will in turn pass down this virtue to their children.
Nowadays, we reach for our mobile phones whenever we feel bored, for example, waiting for friends, buses, or elevators.
091、 为了给子孙后代们创造一个更好的环境,我们每一个人都应该重视保护环境和节约能源。
Each individual should attach importance to environmental protection and energy conservation so that we may make the earth a better place for our children.
2、 人与人之间缺乏彼此的信任会破坏社会稳定,因为我们的社会只有在“信任“的基础上才能正常运转。
Lack of mutual trust between people will undermine the stability of our society, as it can only function smoothly with trust as its basis.
3、 父母和老师应该身体力行,当孩子或学生在场时不要一直玩手机。
Parents and teachers should practice what they preach and stop checking their mobile phones frequently when their children or students are present.
Youngsters, when staying at home, often show no intention to communicate with their family members even if they have nothing else to do.
5、 如果父母总是责备他们在学校的糟糕表现,孩子们的自尊心将会受到伤害。Children’s self-esteem will be wounded, if parents keep blaming them for their bad performance in school.
6、随着公民意识的提高,大多数中国人都非常乐于助人。 With civic awareness raised, most Chinese citizens are more than willing to lend their helping hands to people who are in need.
101、 随着科技的迅速发展,手机变得越来越智能,功能也比以前更加强大。
As technology is developing rapidly, mobile phones become increasingly “smart”, with their functions being much more powerful than before.
Leaving your phone and talking with your friends or families will definitely be a rewarding attempt.
Using mobile phones or computers all the time and ignoring face-to-face communication is anything less than a healthy way of communication.
4、当地政府应该严格实施那些强调环境保护、节约能源的相关政策,促进低碳经济的发展。 Local government should strictly implement policies featuring the importance of environmental protection and energy conservation and promote the development of low-carbon economy.
5、 除非政府采取严厉的措施(比如使污染者付出代价、减少温室气体的排放等)来控制空气污染,不然我们很难有机会再看到蓝天。Unless the government takes drastic measures to control air pollution including making polluters pay and reducing greenhouse gas emission, seeing blue sky will be difficult for people living in China.
6、除非一些传统艺术经过调整后更合现代人的口味,否则它们很难在这个各种西方文化大量存在的现代社会里站稳脚跟。 Unless some of traditional arts can adjust themselves to modern people’s taste, preserving them will be difficult in modern society where various kinds of western culture abound.
Doing physical exercise can shield people from some damaging effect brought by modern lifestyle such as sitting in front of a computer from a long time.
Having the confidence to speak up and challenge the ‘status quo’ is critical in today’s ever- changing world.
3、 处理环境污染问题时,治标不治本就是浪费时间。
To deal with environmental pollution, treating symptoms and not the root cause is a waste of time.
Chinese officials have issued rules for 'Dancing Grannies’ , hoping that the move will end an unusual conflict.
Parents should not only focus on their children’s test scores in school, waving children’s own interest and future plans aside.
The popularity of personal computers, coupled with high speed Internet, leads to the dramatic increase in the trade volume of online shopping.
121、一朵娇嫩的花在温室的保护下茁壮生长,但是一旦移出温室,这朵花很快凋谢。A tender flower grows vigorously under the protection of a green house. However, once moved out, the very flower withers quickly.
Compared with the number of population in rural areas, the number in urban areas increased more rapidly from 500 million in 2001 to 700 million in 2010.
The implementation of one-child policy, followed by the significant improvement in people's living standard, radically changed Chinese people's way of rearing children.
When(we are)confronted with enormous pressure from work or study, we should learn to relieve ourselves, such as doing some sports, traveling, hanging out with our friends.
Social competition, fueled in part by economic recession, forces the vast majority of common Chinese citizens to find ways to improve themselves continuously.
A small but growing band of celebrities, lured by fame and fortune, are getting involved in making some false advertisements, which has already aroused deep public concern.
131、 一小部分名人在高收入的诱惑下冒着破坏他们形象和声誉的危险从事虚假广告的代言工作。
Lured by high incomes, some celebrities, risking damaging their images and reputations, engaged in the endorsement(背书,代言) of false advertisement.
2、 当坏事发生的时候,那些悲观的人总是容易沉浸在自怨自怜、自我怀疑中,结果失去了使事情好转的可能性。
When bad things happen, those pessimistic people often indulge in self-pity and self-doubt only to lose the possibility of turning things around.
It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. And Plato popularized the concept.
4、适者生存, 非最强者--达尔文
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change. - Charles Darwin
5、 总而言之,只有长期学习才有助于你掌握大量词汇。
In conclusion, it is persistent work that is conducive to your grasping a considerable vocabulary.
6、 只有通过不断努力,永不懈怠,我们才能在压力之下毫无惧色,并且把梦想变成现实。
It is only by making constant efforts and never staying idle that we can show grace under pressure and turn our dreams into reality.
In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.
2、 环境学家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球上的生存。
Environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.
Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.
Once a person stops making progress, he can hardly maintain his past glory and survive in this competitive world.
Owing to the quickening pace of life, competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life, stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another.
Generally speaking, ambition and action are both essential in determining whether we flourish or fall behind.
151、总之,困难是人生中不可避免的一部分,而战胜困难,你就将成为生活的强者。In summary, difficulty is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life, and the triumph over it will make you an unbeatable person.
In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that team spirit is one of the most essential qualifications that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.
3、只有这样我们才能获得成功,而且只有这样我们的社会才能变得更加和谐。Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in.
4、 只有在逆境中经历更多的挑战和磨练,他们才能培养出坚强的个性和优秀的能力。也只有这样做,他们才会在充满竞争的时间里走向成功。
Only by undergoing more challenges and toils in adversity can young people cultivate strong personalities and abilities, and only in this way can they become winners in this competitive world.
Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price which they cannot afford.
6、 总之,我们很有必要从这些发人深省的图画中获得积极的含意。
Accordingly, it is vital for us derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings.