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实用商务汉语/提高篇 上 谈旅游

阅读量:3729664 2019-10-24


A:你nǐ 看kàn 行xínɡ 程chénɡ 安ān 排pái 了le 吗mɑ ?B:看kàn 了le,不bú 过ɡuò 我wǒ 还hái 没méi 想xiǎnɡ 好hǎo 去qù 哪nǎ 儿ér 。你nǐ 想xiǎnɡ 好hǎo 了le 吗mɑ ?A:我wǒ 就jiù 是shì 来lái 找zhǎo 你nǐ 商shānɡ 量liɑnɡ 的de ,我wǒ 是shì 第dì 一yī 次cì 来lái 中zhōnɡ 国ɡuó 。B:可kě 我wǒ 除chú 了le 去qù 过ɡuò 几jǐ 个ɡè 南nán 方fānɡ 城chénɡ 市shì 以yǐ 外wài ,北běi 方fānɡ 城chénɡ 市shì 都dōu 没méi 去qù 过ɡuò 。A:我wǒ 们men 国ɡuó 家jiā 大dà 部bù 分fen 地dì 区qū 都dōu 是shì 山shān ,我wǒ 从cónɡ 来lái 没méi 见jiàn 过ɡuò 大dà 草cǎo 原yuán 的de 景jǐnɡ 色sè ,更ɡènɡ 没méi 骑qí 过ɡuò 马mǎ 。说shuō 实shí 话huà ,我wǒ 对duì 烤kǎo 肉ròu 也yě 很hěn 有yǒu 兴xìnɡ 趣qù 。B:我wǒ 知zhī 道dào 了le ,你nǐ 想xiǎnɡ 去qù 草cǎo 原yuán 骑qí 马mǎ 、吃chī 烤kǎo 肉ròu 。行xínɡ !你nǐ 去qù 哪nǎ 儿ér ,我wǒ 就jiù 去qù 哪nǎ 儿ér 。咱zán 们men 一yì 起qǐ 去qù 。A: Have you seen the schedule?B: Yes, but I haven't decided where to go yet. Have you decided yet?A: That's why I'm here. This is my first time in China.B: But I haven't been to any northern cities except a few in the south.A: Most of our country is mountainous. I've never seen a big grassland, let alone a horse. To tell you the truth, I am also interested in barbecue.B: I see. You want to go to the grassland for a ride and a barbecue. OK! I'll go wherever you go. Let's go together.

C:你nǐ 可kě 以yǐ 选xuǎn 两liǎnɡ 个ɡè 地dì 方fɑnɡ ,先xiān 去qù 洛luò 阳yánɡ 或huò 者zhě 大dà 同tónɡ ,然rán 后hòu 再zài 去qù 草cǎo 原yuán 。A:好hǎo 主zhǔ 意yi !这zhè 样yànɡ 既jì 可kě 以yǐ 游yóu 览lǎn 名mínɡ 胜shènɡ 古ɡǔ 迹jì ,又yòu 可kě 以yǐ 骑qí 马mǎ 看kàn 草cǎo 原yuán 。C:洛luò 阳yánɡ 、大dà 同tónɡ 去qù 一yí 个ɡè 就jiù 行xínɡ 了le ,你nǐ 打dǎ 算suɑn 去qù 哪nǎ 儿ér 呢ne ?A:当dānɡ 然rán 是shì 洛luò 阳yánɡ 了le 。除chú 了le 可kě 以yǐ 游yóu 览lǎn 龙lónɡ 门mén 石shí 窟kū ,还hái 可kě 以yǐ 去qù 少shǎo 林lín 寺sì 。C:说shuō 实shí 话huà ,如rú 果ɡuǒ 我wǒ 是shì 你nǐ ,我wǒ 就jiù 去qù 大dà 同tónɡ ,春chūn 天tiān 的de 时shí 候hou 再zài 去qù 洛luò 阳yánɡ 。A:你nǐ 说shuō 具jù 体tǐ 一yì 点dián 儿ér 。C:大dà 同tónɡ 的de 云yún 冈ɡānɡ 石shí 窟kū 也yě 非fēi 常chánɡ 有yǒu 名mínɡ ,而ér 且qiě 春chūn 天tiān 的de 时shí 候hou ,洛luò 阳yánɡ 的de 牡mǔ 丹dān 花huā 都dōu 开kāi 了le ,非fēi 常chánɡ 漂piào 亮liɑnɡ 。C: You can choose two places. First go to Luoyang or Datong, and then go to the grassland.A: Good idea! In this way, you can visit scenic spots and historical sites, and you can ride a horse to see the grassland.C:Are you going to Luoyang or Datong?A: Luoyang, of course. Besides visiting Longmen Grottoes, you can also visit Shaolin Temple.C: To tell you the truth, if I were you, I would go to Datong,then go to Luoyang in the spring.A: Be specific.C: The Yungang Grottoes in Datong are also very famous. And in the spring, the peony flowers in Luoyang are in full bloom. They are very beautiful.
Do one thing at one time,and do well.
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