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痛心!英国警方确认:货车内39具遗体都是中国人 包含一名孩子

阅读量:3756701 2019-10-24

痛心!英国警方确认:货车内39具遗体都是中国人 包含一名孩子 

Chinese Embassy in the UK: under verification
【英货车现39具尸体,39具尸体为中国人】中国驻英国大使馆在获悉埃塞克斯郡货柜事件后,发布声明,“我们以沉重的心情看到英国媒体关于埃塞克斯郡发现39人死亡的报道,正与英国警方联系,核实确认相关情况。”(央视记者 康玉斌)
[39 bodies of British trucks and 39 Chinese bodies] after learning about the Essex County container incident, the Chinese Embassy in the UK issued a statement, "we are in a heavy mood to see the British media report that 39 people were found dead in Essex County, and we are contacting the British police to verify the relevant information." (CCTV reporter Kang Yubin)
Updated at 19:03 on the 24th Beijing time
UK police: efforts are under way to identify "organised criminal groups that may be involved"
According to the BBC, police in Northern Ireland raided two houses according to the current British police release, while the National Crime Bureau said it was working to identify "organized criminal groups that may be involved in it".
According to preliminary indications, 38 of the dead were adults and one was a teenager. But the police didn't say if there were any survivors in the car.

Police believe the truck came from Bulgaria and entered the UK three days ago via Holyhead in Wales, the report said. It is speculated that the truck route may be to Dublin through southern Ireland, and then take the ferry to North Wales.

According to the latest news, police believe that the vehicle drove through the Belgian port of Zeebrugge and entered purfleet on the Thames. The tractor group (the front part) of the truck is believed to be from Northern Ireland.
总警司安德鲁·马里纳(Andrew Mariner)表示:“这是一场悲剧,许多人失去了生命。我们正在进行调查,以确定事件经过。”
"It's a tragedy and a lot of people have lost their lives," said chief police officer Andrew mariner. We are conducting an investigation to determine the course of the incident. "
Malina also said police are trying to identify the victims, but it is expected to be a "long process."
According to BBC reports in the area where the incident occurred, the local industrial park is now "quite chaotic". Many of the staff working here have been evacuated by the police to the outside of the park, while the number of onlookers and the media going to report is increasing. (CCTV reporter Kang Yubin)
Updated at 18:50 on the 24th Beijing time
Consular security center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: verifying relevant information
The center for consular protection of the Ministry of foreign affairs responded that "39 bodies found in British vans are of Chinese nationality": staff of the Chinese Embassy in the UK are driving to the scene to verify the relevant situation. (CCTV reporter Zhang Lin)
Updated at 18:23 on the 24th Beijing time
Belgian prosecutor: joint investigation has started with the UK

Belgian prosecutors confirmed Thursday that the containers carrying the bodies of the victims were destined for the UK through the port of Zeebrugge. According to the preliminary results of the Belgian police investigation, the container with 39 victims arrived at the port of zebruch at about 2.49 p.m. on Tuesday, and left the port later that afternoon for the UK by ferry. At present, Belgium and the United Kingdom have begun to cooperate in a joint investigation.
Richard Burnett, chief executive of the British Trackless Transport Association, said temperatures in Trailer containers could be as low as minus 25 degrees Celsius. (CCTV reporter Yang Hong)
Issued at 18:04 on the 24th Beijing time
British media: 39 bodies found in freight containers are Chinese
On Thursday local time, British police said 39 bodies found in freight containers in Essex County were Chinese, BBC reported. Police are continuing to question 25-year-old truck driver Mo Robinson, who was arrested on suspicion of murder. (CCTV reporter Kang Yubin)
Earlier reports

At about 1:40 a.m. local time on the 23rd, 39 bodies were found in a car container in the Essex area of the UK. Police are confirming the identity of the victims. At present, a 25-year-old male car driver from Northern Ireland has been arrested on suspicion of murder and his trial is ongoing. Preliminary investigations revealed that the bodies included 38 adults and a child. Police said the car came from Bulgaria and entered Britain through Holyhead on the 19th.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on social media that he was shocked by the tragedy. The home office will work with Essex police to find out why. British interior minister Priti Patel said the tragedy also shocked and saddened her. (CCTV reporter Chen Minglei)
北京时间Beijing Time; Beijing time; BJT Beijing time; Beijing standard time
组织犯罪organized crime
英国广播公司BBC; British Broadcast Corporation
北爱尔兰northern ireland; Northern Ireland; North Ireland; ireland northern
犯罪集团criminal gang; criminal group
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