Shanghai Tennis Masters Trip

第一场双打比赛对战双方为法国选手Edouard Roger-Vasselin和Nicolas Mahut对阵波兰选手Lukasz Kubot和巴西选手Marcelo Melo。最终Kubot和Melo赢得了比赛的胜利。通过现场观摩来学习更多网球比赛规则对学生们来说十分受用,观赛时,他们还十分热情地为运动员们加油助威!

第二场双打比赛是克罗地亚选手Mate Pavic和巴西选手Bruno Soares对阵英国选手Jamie Murray和Neal Skupski。前往3号球场的路异常拥挤,这场激烈的比赛吸引了一大群观众。最终Pavic和Soares赢得了这场竞争。比赛结束后,我们的学生还有幸在场外看到了运动员。
用过餐后,我们准备观看晚上的重点赛事。来自希腊的Stefanos Tsisipas和俄罗斯的Daniii Medvedev 在中心球场进行了正面交锋。这是一场精彩的网球比赛,观众们都竭尽全力为他们喜欢的选手加油呐喊。一些学生还在体育场内的屏幕上看到了自己兴奋加油的样子!Medvedev在接下来的比赛中连赢两局,而后在第二天的决赛中胜出。评论指出他有望成为温布尔登网球公开赛的冠军候选人。

On Saturday 12th October, thirty-four pupils and six teachers attended the annual Shanghai Tennis Masters tournament. The tournament is well known for attracting the best professional tennis players in the world. It was a fantastic experience for pupils and teachers to see professional sports men battling it out in the semi final stages of the tournament!
It was an early start to the day for everyone involved as the bus left school at 8:30am. After fueling up for the day ahead during breakfast, pupils and teachers set off on the three-hour bus journey to Shanghai. We all arrived early in the afternoon to explore the stadium and soak up some tennis atmosphere while the sun was shining. After finding our seats close to the action, everyone was ready for an afternoon of tennis doubles matches.
The first doubles match of the afternoon was Edouard Roger-Vasselin (France) and Nicolas Mahut (France) vs Lukasz Kubot (Poland) and Marcelo Melo (Brazil). Kubot and Melo won this match. Pupils enjoyed learning about the rules of the game and the etiquette of watching and cheering during play.

The next doubles match of the afternoon was Mate Pavic (Croatia) and Bruno Soares vs Jamie Murray (Great Britain) and Neal Skupski (Great Britain). We all had to make our way over to court 3 and there was a large crowd being entertained by this intense match. Pavic and Soares won this tightly contested match and they eventually went on to win the whole doubles competition. Some pupils even have the chance the see the players outside the court after the match.
After eating lunch, we all were ready and excited for the main event during the evening. Stefanos Tsisipas (Greece) vs Daniii Medvedev (Russia) went head to head on centre court. It was fantastic tennis and the crowd were doing their best to cheer on their preferred player. Some pupils even managed to see themselves cheering on live TV in the stadium! Medvedev went on to win the match in straight sets and progressed to win the final the next day. Critics are suggesting that he is a strong contender to win Wimbledon next year.
After an incredible day of tennis, tired pupils (and teachers) made our way back to the bus to make the journey back to Changzhou that night.


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常州威雅公学(Wycombe Abbey School Changzhou)是COBIS认证成员,招收3-18周岁学生,无国籍和户籍限制,并对6岁以上学生开放寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,在幼儿园阶段遵循英国早期教育课程体系,在浸润式英文环境中为孩子提供互动式学习体验;在九年制义务教育阶段以中国国家课程为核心,融中西方文化为一体,为学生提供双语教育,通过探究式的学习方法打好坚实的学科基础;高中阶段提供全球范围内广受认可的IGCSE和A Level课程,并获得了培生爱德思和剑桥国际考试委员会考试中心的双授权。遵循全人教育传统,学校还注重学生的人格培养,通过音乐艺术教育以及各项高品质的课外课程,帮助学生今后顺利进入世界名校,并在日益国际化的社会中取得成功。


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