Vocal: 王一粟 Sue
Guitar: 刘奥 Ao
Bass: 刘建皇 Jianhuang
Drums: 常依辰 Jonathan M Chang
Vocal: 王一粟 Sue

Sue Wang (王一粟) is a China-based vocalist and bilingual host, who keeps improving through self-learning and performing. She pays attention to both the singing skills and substantive social and cultural meanings of music. Sue started vocal training at the age of ten as soprano / mezzo-soprano, and obtained a Level 7 National Certificate in Vocal Music. She started to perform as a solo singer since college. Sue started her Jazz career in 2014 and has since collaborated with leading Jazz musicians in Beijing and beyond. Over the years, Sue has gradually developed her unique style combining eastern delicacy and modern strength.
2019年受邀做“北京大学斯坦福中心”美国国庆日庆典表演嘉宾;2018年在香港为“The Italian Sea Group”首次亚洲VIP晚宴活动担任双语主持人和演唱歌手;受邀在中国青年精英社群NGCC 2017年度盛典,保利集团2015年时间博物馆拍卖 VIP 答谢会等活动做嘉宾演出。2016年在万达索菲特酒店每周表演;2014年参演美国导演 Andrew Delo (北京大学电影学院下“未来舞团”创始人) 改编百老汇歌舞剧“The Wild Party”,独唱经典歌剧“Evita”选段“Buenos Aires”。曾任“可口可乐”江苏地区2005-2007年指定宣传歌手;2006年参加无伴奏人声合唱,表演原创曲目“相思”获江苏一等奖;曾作为歌手嘉宾参加中国教育电视台晚会录制,参加江苏电视台多个综艺节目录制等等。也在北京很多知名live house现场表演。
Sue was invited to perform at the National Day ceremony at “Standford Center of Peking University ”in 2019; Sue served as the bilingual host and vocalist forthe first Asia 2018 VIP dinner of “The Italian Sea Group” in Hong Kong. Sue was also invited to sing at the “Next Generation Collaborative China” Annual Galain 2017 and the VIP gala of Poly Auction at the Time museum in 2015, among others. She performed at Wanda-Sofitel hotel bar twice a week in 2016. In 2014, Sue joined and performed Evita's Buenos Aires in a Broadway Theme Musical “The Wild Party” by the American director Andrew Delo, who also founded the Future Dance Ensemble of Peking University. Sue was also the designated singer and host of “Coca Cola” Jiangsu Road show during 2005 to 2007. The original “Xiangsi” by She and a Capella team won a first prize in Jiangsu in 2006; She also joined the gala of CETV as a singer and participated in music live shows of JSTV. Sheis a frequent performer on the stages of the most famous live houses in Beijing as well.
Guitar: 刘奥 Ao

2016年12月毕业于纽约皇后学院爵士吉他演奏专业,同时拥有纽约大学音乐技术硕士学位。他师从于纽约著名爵士吉他大师,Paul Bollenback 和 Brad Shepik,并且和许多纽约的爵士大师学习过,如 Antonio Hart,Chris Cheek。他被认为是国内优秀的青年爵士乐手,曾登上过广州JZ,北京东岸、江湖、DDC,台北享巷等著名的演出场所。合作的过的著名乐手有古贺泉,小豆,安咚咚,徐之瞳, 王晨淮,纪鹏, 刘东风,裴世珍, 王宗兴, 高太行, Diego Voglino 和 Carlos homs 等等。
Ao, graduated from master program of jazz performance at Cuny Queens College. At the same time, heis a master from music technology program of NYU. He studied with jazz guitar masters, Brad Shepik and Paul Bollenback. He also studied with a lot of jazz masters in New York, such as Antonio Hart, Chris Cheek. He is considered a outstanding jazz musician in China from his generation. He performed at Jz Club Guang Zhou, East Shore, Jang Hu, DDC, Rhythm Valley from Taipei. Also he played with famous jazz musicians in China including Izumi Coga, Xiao Dou, An Dong Dong, Zhitong Xu, Charlie Wang, Peng Ji, Dongfeng Liu, Nathan Gao, Alan Wang; Also new york musicians such as Diego Voglino and Carlos homs etc.
Bass: 刘建皇 Jianhuang

2009年毕业于北京迷笛音乐学校,师从于中国著名爵士吉他/贝斯演奏家刘玥,主攻爵士理论与即兴演奏。也曾向低音提琴演奏家尹雷鹏学习古典音乐。现任教于北京迷笛音乐学校。多年来与北京活跃的音乐家在“东岸”等 livehouse 经常同台演出。
Jianhuang, a double bass/electronic bass musician. Jianhuang graduated from Beijing Midi School of Music in 2009. He studied from the famous Jazz guitar / bass musician Liuyue, and majored in Jazz theory and improvisation skills; meanwhile he learned classic music from double bass musician Yin leipeng as well. Jianhuang is now teaching at Beijing Midischool of music. He has been performing with the active musicians at “Eastshore” and other live houses in Beijing.
Drums: 常依辰 Jonathan M Chang

SWG Music 创始人,增广爱乐者乐团团员,行进小军鼓出身,常依辰一直以来在学习研究各种音乐风格,包括 Classic、Jazz、Flamenco、Latin、Funk 等风格。由于小学时在学校行进打击乐团中演奏行进军乐而与打击乐结缘,之后在中学期间学习了多种打击乐器,并于多个交响管乐团担任打击乐演奏员,随后进入现代音乐学院学习爵士鼓专业并接触到了爵士乐,便开始学习现代和声理论与编曲理论,在校期间经常与团队合作各种风格的音乐,合作过的音乐家包括:Oscar Williams,刘晓光,Mark Kuo,Takeshi Sakamoto,刘建皇,Matthew Parker,Honda Fujio 等等,因此对不同的音乐有着自己独到的见解。他经常将自己的感情与对音乐的见解投入到演奏中,再加上美学与玄学的结合,使他成为了一位细腻却有时极具爆发力的鼓手。
SWG Music, enlarged the members of the Philharmonic Orchestra and marched into snare drumorigin. Jonathan has been studying various musical styles, including Classic, Jazz, Flamenco, Latin, Funk and so on. As a result of playing marching music inthe school percussion Orchestra in elementary school, he became associated with percussion music. Later, he learned many percussion instruments in middle school, and served as percussion performer in several Symphony orchestras. Later, he entered the Modern Conservatory of Music to study jazz drum specialtyand came into contact with jazz music, and began to learn modern harmony. Theory and compilation theory, often in school with a team of various styles of music, the collaboration of musicians include: Oscar Williams, Yu Meng Fei, Mark Kuo, Matthew Parker, Honda Fujio and so on, so have their own unique views on different music. He often put his feelings and opinions on music into his performance, coupled with the combination of a esthetics and metaphysics, which made him a delicate but sometimes explosive drummer.
活动详情 Event Info:
时间/Time: 2019年10月27日 15:00
门票/Ticket: 50(ADV)/60(DOOR)(票务:阅读原文)
地点/Venue: 黄昏黎明俱乐部 (DDC)
地址/ADD: 北京市东城区美术馆后街山老胡同14号
Shanlao Hutong NO. 14, Dongcheng District
电话/Tel: 010-64078969
邮箱/Mail: DuskDawnClub@gmail.com
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