
据英国广播公司报道,周三在英国埃塞克斯郡被发现死于冷藏卡车后部的39人都是中国籍。The 39 people who were found dead in the back of a refrigerated truck in the English county of Essex on Wednesday were Chinese nationals, UK media has reported.

△货车司机莫·鲁滨逊(Mo Robinson)来源:天空新闻
警方仍在继续质询因涉嫌谋杀被捕的司机莫·鲁滨逊。Officers are continuing to question the vehicle’s driver, Mo Robinson, who has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
据英媒报道,警方推测这39人当时可能是在试图非法入境,目前调查仍在进行中。British media said police are working on the theory that the 39 people found in the vehicle were attempting to enter the country illegally, while the investigation is still ongoing.