
It is the middle of autumn. Norovirus infectious diarrhea, influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease and other infectious diseases are high-risk diseases in autumn.In order to prevent and control the occurrence of infectious diseases in autumn, we will share some knowledge about the prevention and control of infectious diseases in autumn.The following notes will help a lot.

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诺如病毒的特征Norovrus character
Source of infection: more light patients or asymptomatic carriers.
Transmission route: norovirus environment strong resistance, infectious, transmission route is diverse. Transmission routes include human-to-human, food and water transmission. It can be spread by contaminated water, food, articles, air droplets, etc.
Susceptible groups: mainly for school-age children and adults, easy to outbreak in schools, kindergartens, communities, restaurants, nursing homes and other collective places.

不慎感染诺如病毒该怎么办?What should I do if I get norovirus?
1. Say "NO" to antibiotics and antiviral drugs. There is currently no specific drug for norovirus infection. Norovirus, if abused, can also harm the normal flora of the gut, which can aggravate diarrhea.
2. Seek medical advice in time for symptoms. Pay attention to water, remember not to dehydrate. If no dehydration symptoms, good spirit and appetite, can go to the hospital oral rehydration salts; Seek medical advice when dehydration occurs.
3, wash hands frequently, prevent cross-infection, try not to go to public places. Within three days after symptoms disappear, the virus remains transmissible. Therefore, it is best not to go to the place where people gather for 3 days after recovery, so as not to cause the virus to spread again.
4. Open more Windows for ventilation. Open a window or use an exhaust fan in your child's room to keep air circulating.
5、消毒污染物。 呕吐物附近任何表面都应快速用1000mg/L的消毒液清洗或喷洒,衣服、毛巾、桌布和餐巾等物品沾染呕吐物或粪便时用高温清洗。
5. Disinfect pollutants. Any surface near the vomit should be quickly cleaned or sprayed with 1000mg/L disinfectant, and clothes, towels, tablecloths and napkins should be cleaned at high temperature when contaminated with vomit or feces.

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关于流感About flu流感分成甲型、乙型、丙型。甲型流感最重,传染性最强,简称为甲流;乙流传染性和严重性次之;丙流症状最轻,传染性最弱。甲流又可以分成H1N1、H3N2、H5N7、H7N9等亚型,各亚型的传染性和严重性各不相同。
Theinfluenza viruses are divided into type A, type B and type C according to theseverity. Type A can be sorted into H3N2、H5N7、H7N9and etc. as per features.
Everyyear, influenza comes differently in types.

1.Flu is different from common cold. Flu brings a bad cold, a higherfever and last longer.
2.Flu spreads more frequently, it is better to be isolated to avoidspreading.
3.Autumn and winter is the high time of flu.

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预防流感小妙招How to prevent1.尽量少去人员密集的公共场所,以防止交叉感染。
1.To avoid cross infection, seldom go to public area.
2.Wearing a mask is useful.
3.Have a good rest and take more water.
4.Keep ventilating.
5.Haveinfluenza vaccine.

To prevent infectious diseases, Kang Chiao goes at the front

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The teachers of the Health Center bought the students' useful information about how to prevent infectious diseases. At the same time, they also advised the students to focus on their health condition and individual lifestyle, and instructed the students to lower the chance of getting cold between seasons.
It is better to keep the air fresh indoor, to drink plenty of water, and to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, in order to develop a good habit to stay healthy. The students have been more aware of the prevention of infectious diseases since this course delivered. Health and safety are the essential part in students’ life, and to grow up safely is the greatest happiness for them.
Dear parents, let's take care of our children and accompany them to grow uphealthily and happily!
