Sony and Walt Disney announced that Marvel Studios will produce a third film in Spider-Man: Homecoming series. The film will star Tom Holland and is scheduled for release on July 16, 2021. Since the announcement of Spider-Man being back in Marvel, fans started buzzing on social media with excitement over the upcoming movie. The first Marvel movie “Iron Man” was released in 2008, since then, the company has grossed more than $200 billion on the MCU films at the global box office.
彩蛋答案:MCU = Mavel Cinematic Universe 漫威电影宇宙
1. Marvel Studios 漫威工作室,漫威影业
2. Star n. 星星,明星,v.主演,由...主演
3. Tom Holland 汤姆?霍兰德,又称“荷兰弟”
4. Buzzing on social media 在社交媒体上热烈讨论
5. Gross n. 总收入,adj. 总收入的,v.总收入为,总共赚得
6. Box office 票房收入

