Are IIT students smarter than MIT student

Srijan Shashwat, 800s on SAT Math 2 and Chem|98.4% in CBSE Class 10|Musician
Oh my God! I read some answers that claimed IITians are actually a smarter lot than MITians, and a few also pointed out that they’re at least better than MITians when they get in because they clear the JEE Advanced.
What bullsh*t did I just read?
For all the generous people who said so, I have a lot of patriotic respect. You love the IIT reputation. I respect that.
But stop misleading the people thinking IITians are smarter because they prepare so hard for JEE Advanced.
MITians are smarter, in general. Sorry to break this to you. Most MITians are exceptional achievers. Most International Olympiad winners join MIT. Most students at MIT have done some research or internship already, the most popular one being RSI.
There is no doubt IITians are smart. They arguably have the smartest Indian students. But MIT has few of the smartest and most dedicated students in the world. And if you think Indians are the smartest brains on the globe, you haven’t seen the world yet. I’m an Indian, I have huge respect for the IITs. Their students have made us proud, undoubtedly. But, MIT is MIT.
Rushikesh Patil, B.S. Physics & Astrophysics, The University of Texas at Arlington (2023)
Again , I'm here writing yet another answer on IITs vs MIT . Yes , you guessed it right , this topic exist on Quora !!
Firstly , I'm not an alumni of both colleges , so I mightn't have any right to say stuff about them , but this is what I feel !
Let's dive into our first category , MITians .
They follow their passions , live their dreams from highschool itself ! Most of them are doing research in a state university with a fellow professor , or in RSI , or taking coding classes in respective universities . They are kinda obsessed about Math , Physics , CS or whichever subject they're passionate about .For instance, if they wanna pursue CS , they'll probably take classes or online programs , they'll work on some projects and participate in several international competitions , and may bag some trophies . Following their Passions !!!!!!!
Let's see our second category , the IITians .
With due respect to all, I'm really inspired by these HARD WORKERS . They work their ass off to learn Organic Chemistry , Rotational Dynamics and hell lot of other things to get into CS branch of IIT ! What an irony ! The only thing they don't do in their entire high schooling is CS !! They don't have PASSION about CS ( most of them , again with due respect ) and are there for high packages . I once asked my friend who's Jee Aspirant of 2019 about why he wants to attend IIT CS , and the answer was , yes you guessed it right , PACKAGE !!!
So to conclude things , I would say that MITians are smart because they know what they're doing and IITians are hard workers with talent ( again , no offense ) !!
At the end of the day , It doesn't matter where you go or which branch you take , what matters is how much effort you put into that course and follow it passionately !!
我又一次在Quora撰写关于印度理工vs 麻省理工的回帖。是的,你猜对了,这个话题在Quora上屡见不鲜了!!
Manas Rath, B.S. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2000)
I didn’t study at IIT but have many friends and colleagues who did.
This is not an entirely fair question because MIT gets the best technical, economic, entrepreneurial minds from across the world (the US itself represents some of the best from across the world, let alone the international students at MIT)—IIT from just one country.
The education system in the good US high schools also promotes a kind of creativity, intelligence and passion for learning/inventing/discovering that most Indians just don’t have.
Academically, IIT students are perhaps comparable with MIT students. They work hard and do well on tests and homework.
When it comes to being innovative, creative, MIT wins hands down. There is just no comparison. Partly because MIT students have access to much better infrastructure, professors, industry research and resources, etc. But the smartest folks at MIT are just in a different league from what you find in India. Our society, culture and schools just don’t train us the same way. This is why Silicon Valley cannot happen in India for a few more decades.
MIT students are also far more talented when it comes to music, art, sports etc. IIT students are largely single-dimensional. Music and Economics were some of the most popular second majors or minors for engineering students at MIT. IITians usually dont have such opportunities to develop broad and rounded interests, and I suspect most don’t care too.
In India, education is not about enriching life and the mind—its a means to an end—a better job, a better life. That’s why Indian students are less passionate and more transactional about their education—and are also more willing to cheat and be dishonest in exams. Sorry, but its a fact.
I found huge number of MIT students who love working with their hands. Some of them were raised in small towns where they repaired machines, worked on farms, did odd jobs making or fixing stuff, etc. from a young age. That kind of self-reliance is rare in India where we usually look to others to do our work. There are social differences that make Americans better engineers and inventors.
I was totally overwhelmed by the kind of talent and brains I found when I went to MIT in 1995. No one I knew in India compared with many of the folks there. Not even close to the same league. Yes, my friends from India and I could get 99 percentile in SAT and ace exams but on the above factors, were far far behind. A lot has changed since then, India has come a long way. But at the top end of talent, India, and IIT, are still a way off from US, and MIT/Stanford, etc.
Piyush Kant, studied at Inderprastha Engineering College
MIT produced 29 Nobel Prize laureate .
IIT produced 0 Nobel Prize laureate.
IITs have an annual enrollment of 10,000-15,000, focused only on the brightest of the bright, not a single great worldwide patent has emerged, nor have they produced a single Nobel Laureate," the study says.
"We still do not have a single equivalent of a Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Walmart or a Nike. Even a small country like Italy or Finland does better!" said DS Rawat of Assocham.
Ayush Pandey, studies at The High School Experience (2021)
IIT students aren’t smarter than MIT students in general.
When IIT students and MIT students enter their respective colleges to begin their year, both groups are equally smart in general, with MIT students having a little edge over them. And mind you, I’m talking about General Intelligence or Fluid Intelligence here — the smarts with which people are born with.
IIT students use their analytical abilities in solving JEE problems, but it isn’t all about their fluid intelligence. Coaching Institutes train the High School Students for cracking the examination — instead of nourishing creativity and instilling innovation in the students, the JEE forces them to mug a multitude of formulae, in addition to learning the concepts from a competitive perspective.
Madhav Sbss, Founder @raagabox, Director of Product @Akamai. Marathoner.
I didn't attend IIT and so I won't comment on that side of the story. Having studied at MIT for a couple of years, I have had the opportunity to mingle with some of the most brilliant minds.Yes, MITians are non-conformists, many of whom went onto change the world for the greater good.
It's not as much about the student smarts as it is about the eco-system that MIT provides for the student to thrive and excel. Unfortunately, the two educational systems are on the opposite poles. One is biased toward to producing excellent engineers, the other is biased towards achieving engineering excellence
Arindam Paul, Ph.D., Machine Learning Scientist at American Family Insurance
Assuming "smarter" means "technically smart" and not "street smart" /"successful. Also, I restrict discussion to only undergrad students (as I believe most agree there is no doubt about the vast difference in the quality of MIT and IIT grad students.)
I would say NO. This becomes very obvious when you consider IITs have large scale reservations as compared to universities like MIT. Even US universities (especially public ones) have some kind of a preference for students coming from disadvantaged sections but not as much (~50% in case of IITs). Of the rest 50 % (general category), most of them are not really technology enthusiasts. They are a bunch of people whom parents (and society) force to study just for cracking JEE. Importance of learning goes to hell here. So, its expected that once they are into IIT, they would lose the motivation to keep on learning. The system (IITs or BITS) does not help much as even now cracking the semester exams is given more importance. The fault also lies in the fact that most of the professors lack a zeal to encourage learning. ( Professors in top-US universities go through a tough screening program. So, anyone not really motivated by joy of learning is screened -grueling PhD, postdoc, waiting for tenure, etc.
译文来源:三泰虎 译者:Joyceliu
So, I believe these are the top 2 reasons:
1) Lack of "really" interested people coming to the programs in the first place
2) Lack of fanning the spark in the students. (Even students who were not initially enthusiastic about learning can become enthusiastic if given right environment)
I believe the society should encourage people in right sense. "If you go to IIT/BITS, it opens doors for you to become a good engineer or a good researcher or in any case, a good professional".
Saksham Bhatla, DataPhile
I actually think this question is pretty odd. I can't recall the number of times I've heard random IITians say (or imply) how smart they are.
What's the definition of smartness? The sort of people who get into MIT are entirely different from those who get into IIT..
A typical MIT grad would be someone who has a good interest and aptitude in engineering, and a comparatively more well rounded personality.
However, smarter doesn't necessarily mean more successful. In the non-academic world, a lot more than smartness (which I'm assuming refers to IQ here) matters. Studies have shown the most successful CEO's are those who have a decent IQ, but a very high EQ (emotional quotient). Soft skills like communication matter a lot.
So the bottom-line is, If you believe the world is yours, just because you're smarter, you're woefully mistaken.
Sachin Nauhwar, studied at School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University (2016)
MIT was founded more than 100 years ago in a country with much more resources than IITs that were founded 60 years ago just after independence in less resourceful environment.
Meanwhile MIT has been ranked #1 across the world, IITs and IITians are no less than any college in the world in terms of research and innovative approach. In fact, belonging to a country that is still in its stages of developing nation, even after struggling through financial crises, IITs have been equiped with all possible world class technologies to let IITians hit and break all grounds and they have been proving their talents from fields of technology & innovation to 21st century era of startups & philanthrophy. Now, IITians are leading many world class companies and research foundations, teaching at best Universities across the globe and alongside many have made their ways to the MIT and top notch Universities which shows their potentials are no less than any institution of the world.
With all this data in hands, IITians are no less than MIT.