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阅读量:3881601 2019-10-28


It has been estimated that networks from Vietnam are smuggling around 18,000 people a year to Europe, but fewer than 1,000 a year to the United States.
According to the UN, Vietnamese migrants may have generated $300m (?234m) a year for smugglers to take them to Europe.
Ms Vu, an expert on anti-trafficking in Vietnam from Ho Chi Minh City, says prospective migrants can pay a range of prices. For those with less money - $10,000 to $15,000 (?7,800 to ?11,600) - the journey is "more arduous" and could, for example, include stints of walking across forests at night.
But those who can afford to pay more - $40,000 to $50,000 (?31,000 to ?39,000) - would travel mostly by plane.
英国广播公司(BBC)26日报道称,每年有约1.8万越南人偷渡到欧洲,目的是挣钱养家。根据联合国数据,越南移民每年付给人口走私犯的钱可能达到2.34亿英镑(约合21亿元人民币)。反人口贩卖专家武女士(Mimi Vu)介绍,偷渡费用因人而异。对于没什么钱的人来说,费用大致在7800~11600英镑左右(约7万~10万元人民币),而这个“价位”的旅途会“更艰辛”,甚至可能会涉及夜间徒步穿越丛林;但较为富裕的人则可申请申根签证借道巴黎,大多是乘坐飞机,花费约在3万到3.9万英镑(约合27万~35万元人民币)。
"But no matter what kind of 'class' of travel you choose, you are still going to end up at a border and still going to be snuck in in the back of a lorry or on a ferry," Ms Vu says.
In fact, China, together with France, Russia, Germany and Poland, are among the common transit countries for Vietnamese migrants who attempt to travel to the UK.
Many may stop in these transit countries, such as Ukraine or Poland, where they are asked to work in exploitative conditions to either finance the next leg of their journey or make money for their traffickers.
The last leg of the journey is likely from France. Here, people could pay a smuggler to be hidden in a secret compartment of a truck, or hide themselves in a truck close to the harbour without the driver noticing.

A sum of ?30,000 is the equivalent of 30 years' salary for someone living in a rural area in Vietnam, Ms Vu says.
It's "an astronomical sum", she adds, but some families believe it is worth it "because they believe this is the best way for them or their child to have a better future".
"Vietnam is a very family-centric culture and everything is done for the family."

According to the UN, while the country has enjoyed significant reductions in poverty at a national level, it is unequal across population groups and regions.
"Most of the migrants who go to Europe and the UK from Vietnam actually only come from a handful of provinces in Vietnam," says Mimi Vu, an expert on anti-trafficking in Vietnam from Ho Chi Minh City.
Once they're in the UK, there is high demand for low-skilled labour in Vietnamese restaurants, nail salons and the illicit cannabis industry.

For Vietnamese migrants, the UK is probably the most popular destination in Europe, says Dr Tamsin Barber, a lecturer in political sociology at Oxford-Brookes University, who specialises in migration and the British-Vietnamese population.
They know if they come to the UK they're likely to be able to secure work and possibly quite a lot of money to send back to their families in Vietnam, she says.
There's also a wide network of Vietnamese people who are already in the UK who can help newcomers with accommodation and employment.
Dr Barber adds, "there is - at the moment - no legal route in for low-skilled Vietnamese migrants working in the UK, so this is obviously having to be done through very circuitous and precarious journeys".
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